Friday, 18 December 2009
soapte demonice
Sfarsitul a venit fara de veste.
Esti fericita? Vad ca porti inel.
Am inteles. Voi trage dunga peste
Nadejdea inutila. Fa la fel.
Nici un cuvant. Nu-mi spune ca-i o forma,
Cunosc insemnatatea ei deplin.
Stiu, voi aveti in viata alta norma,
Eu insa-n fata normei nu ma-nchin.
Nu te mai cant in versuri niciodata,
In drumul tau mai mult nu am sa ies,
Nu-ti fac reprosuri, nu esti vinovata
Si n-am sa spun ca nu m-ai inteles.
A fost desigur numai o greseala,
Putea sa fie mult, nimic n-a fost.
In vesnicia mea de plictiseala
Tot nu-mi inchipui ca puneai un rost.
Si totusi, totusi, cateva atingeri
Au fost de-ajuns sa-mi deie ameteli,
Vadeam vazduhul fluturand de ingeri,
Lumina-n seara mea de indoieli.
Cand degete de Midas am pus magic
Pe frageda fiinta ta de lut,
Suna in mine murmurul pelagic
Al sfintelor creatii de-nceput.
Vedeam cum peste vremuri se inalta
Statuia ta de aur greu, masiv,
Cum serioase veacuri se descalta
Si-ngenuncheate randuri submisiv
La soclul tau dumnezeisc asteapta
Sa le intinzi un zambet linistit
Spre sarutare adorata dreapta,
‘Nainte de-a se sterge-n infinit.
O, de-am fi stat alaturi doar o ora,
Ai fi ramas in auriul vis
Ca o eterna, roza, aurora
De ne-nteles, de nedescris.
Ireversibil s-a-ncheiat povestea
Si nici nu stiu de ai sa mai citesti
Din intamplare randurile-acestea
In care-as vrea sa fii ce nu mai esti.
N-am sa strivesc eu visul sub picioare,
N-am sa patez cu vorbe ce mi-i drag.
As fi putut sa spun : « Esti ca oricare” ...
Dar nu vreau in noroaie sa ma bag.
De-ar fi mocirla-n jurul tau cat haul,
Tu vei ramane nufarul de nea
Ce-l oglindeste beat de pofte taul,
Ce-l tine candid amintirea mea.
Vei fi acolo vesnic ne-ntinata,
Te voi iubi mereu fara cuvant,
Si lumea n-o sa stie niciodata
De ce nu pot mai mult femei sa cant.
Acolo, sub lumina de mister,
Scaldata-n apa visurilor lina,
Vei sta iubita ca-ntr-un colt de cer
O stea de seara blanda si senina.
Si cand viata va fi rea cu tine,
Cand au sa te improaste cu noroi,
Tu fugi in lumea visului la mine,
Vom fi atuncea singuri amandoi.
Cu lacrimi voi spala eu orice pata,
Cu versuri nemai scrise te magai.
In dulcea lor cadenta leganata,
Te vei simti ca-n visul cel dintai.
Iar de va fi (cum simt mereu de-o vreme)
Sa plec de-aicea de la voi curand,
Cand glasul tau vreodat-o sa ma cheme,
Voi reveni la tine din mormant.
Si dac-ar fi sa nu se poata trece
Pe veci pecetluitele hotare
M-as zbate-ngrozitor in tarna rece,
Plangand in noaptea mare, tot mai mare.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009

Simturile noastre au intotdeauna cel putin doua niveluri: nimicurile si mesajul.
Viata este o masca prin intermediul careia se exprima universul. Omenirea impreuna cu toate formele de viata care o inconjoara, constituie o comunitate naturala si destinul intregii vieti se joaca in destinul individului.
Nu exista nici un mister in viata umana. Nu-i nici o problema care trebuie rezolvata, ci o realitate ce trebuie traita.
Viitorul trebuie sa ramana incert, si asa se si cuvine, caci el este panza pe care pictam dorintele noastre. Astfel, intotdeauna, infruntam o minunata panza goala. Nu posedam decat acest moment in care sa ne consacram permanent sacrei prezente pe care-o impartasim si-o cream.
Azi m-am reintors la panza mea cea minunata..
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
The Eternal Now

All the happiness and fulfillment that humans yearn for exist in the present moment. In the now, time ceases to exist and we experience a presence that is all-absorbing, completely at peace, and totally satisfying.
Nothing could be closer than the present, yet nothing slips away faster. In an instant our mind can carry us far away into memories of the past or fantasies about the future. Or we may get caught up in a race against the clock, feeling like there’s never enough time. We say things like “Time is flying,” “Time is running out,” or “There are never enough hours in the day.”
We somehow forget that we can choose whether to make time an enemy or an ally. We can shift from time-bound awareness into timeless awareness . . . to the ecstasy that can only be found in the present moment. If you want to have all the time in the world, you can train yourself through the following simple practices:
Dive into the source of awareness. The most effective way to live in the flow of the timeless is meditation. As you meditate, your consciousness becomes awake within itself. With a regular meditation practice, the silent witness within saturates and illuminates the mind so that it doesn't look to the past or the future for fulfillment. It experiences peace and freedom within itself in every moment.
Practice paying attention. Throughout your day, when you notice that your thoughts have drifted away, come back to where you are. You’ll instantly see why you drifted away, whether because you were bored, anxious, dwelling on the past, or anticipating the future. Don’t judge yourself; simply return your attention to what’s in front of you right now.
Feel the sensations in your body. While the mind lives in the past and the future, the body lives in the now. Connecting to the feelings in your body brings you back into present-moment awareness.
Our thoughts are always pulling us into the future or the past, away from the present. But it is in the present moment that we find Spirit, our essential being and the force that animates all life. By connecting with the present we turn our attention inward, away from all the chaos and activity, and experience our eternal, unbounded nature.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Let's Do It Romania!
..aproape concreta pentru ca mai are nevoie de ceva sa devina realitate: de NOI! de tine, de mine si de toti cei care inca mai au respect pentru planeta asta care ne sustine si ne hraneste, de cei care inca mai pot dovedi ca nu suntem doar paraziti care consuma si distrug, ci fiinte care vor sa construiasca o lectie de respect si bun simt!! stiu ca sunt multi romani care pot da dovada de mult respect, bun simt si dornici sa construiasca alte valori in societatea noastra...TU esti printre ei?
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Earth Song
Hear the voice of the fire, hear the voice of the water,
Listen in the wind to the sighing of the bush:
This is the ancestors breathing.
Those who are dead are never gone;
The dead are not down in the earth:
They are in the trembling of the trees,
In the groaning of the woods,
In the water that runs, in the water that sleeps,
They are in the hut, they are in the crowd.
Those who are dead are not ever gone;
They are in the woman's breast, they are in the wailing of a child,
They are in the burning log and in the moaning rock.
They are in the weeping grasses, in the forest and the home.
Listen to things more often than beings.
Hear the voice of fire, hear the voice of water.
Listen in the wind to the sighing of the bush.
This is the ancestors breathing.